28 May 2014: Launch event of the Albanian SENSOR results

On Wednesday 28th of May, the SENSOR team traveled to Albania, Tirana for the launch of the first results of a 603km survey of Albanian roads. The event was hosted by the SENSOR Observer ACA (Automobile Club of Albania) and achieved extensive media coverage. The Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Mr Edmond Haxhinasto called for safe road infrastructure to be the new priority, alongside with professional and technical guests for consultation on the first results for Albania. The Minister said that Albania’s recent massive investment in new road infrastructure had led to safety problems which must be addressed before more new roads are built. The SENSOR project has now Star Rated more than 600 km of Albania’s roads showing countermeasures which can target the safety problems and the huge economic benefits from investing in safety.

Presentations followed by Niko Leka (President of ACA), Olivera Djordjevic (Lead partner MRSH), Dr Steve Lawson (contractor RSF), Milan Bozic (partner AMSS), Nikolin Bërxhiku (Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Albania) and Mitat Tola (Albanian Traffic Police).

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Edmond Haxhinasto, Dr Steve Lawson, Olivera Djordjevic and Niko Leka