1-2 October 2013

The Institute for Transport Sciences Nonprofit Ltd. (KTI) organized a training titled “Inspection & Safety Ranking”, as part of the SENSoR project. The event was organized in the KTI in Budapest, and had duration of 2 days. The 13 participants included Roberta Calcina, representing the SEE Joint Technical Secretariat, the KTI team and Hungarian partners including experts and young professionals from the Ministry of National Development and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics that can use the skills gained from the training in their everyday work. The training sessions were delivered by Dr. Steve Lawson, Partnerships and Research Director for the Road Safety Foundation, and James Bradford, the Road Safety Foundation’s Operations Manager.

The objective of the first day was to introduce the Road Safety and the Road Assessment Programme (RAP), Star Ratings, the Safer Road Investment Plan protocol, the Star Rating V3 model, and working with ViDA. The second day focused on areas like Star Rating data handling, Creating Safer Roads Investment Plans, customizing countermeasures, quality review, interpreting the results, and more.

The training was very inclusive, discussion-based and practice-oriented. Trainees were able to go hands-on with ViDA, creating projects and trying their hand at road coding with continuous guidance and feedback from trainers. The event and its results will be showcased at a stakeholder meeting in the near future, where decision-makers will be invited to ensure high-profile dissemination of project activities.

All the participants who have successfully completed the 2-day course received a Certificate of Participation signed by Dr. Steve Lawson.